9 November, 2022

I am very excited to share that El loto de piedra, my new thriller novel that connects Spain with Vietnam, has already started the printing process for the Spanish Early Pre-order campaign at  Printcolor. Not only that, we’ve just shared the final cover design for the book, which includes the final illustration by art director…

4 November, 2022

This week I have witnessed how my saga of Mark of Odin has managed to exceed 127,000 readers in total around the world, adding editions on paper, ebook and audiobook, both in our store and in the main external platforms of Amazon, Apple , Google Play and Kobo. In fact, there are already more than…

2 November, 2022

After a very exciting month, this Monday, October 31, the Spanish Early Pre-order campaign for The Stone Lotus came to an end. Now begins the next phase of production of this thriller novel that is the first fruit of my Asian adventure. And it is that the readers who have participated will be the only…

26 September, 2022

I am proud to announce that ‘The Stone Lotus’ (El loto de piedra in Spanish) is the title of my next fiction thriller novel as a result of my stay in Vietnam for several months in 2022. I make this announcement with the launch of its official website and social media accounts. Also, the most…

14 July, 2022

In my last Letter from the Author of Mark of Odin I revealed the first details of what will be my next independent novel in which Spain and Vietnam will meet. I hope this book will be the first result of my adventure in Asia, after living for two months in Hanoi, Vietnam. During that…

March 2025

