GoMultiplayer magazine celebrated its 9th anniversary in February and one of the pending tasks that it had dragged on for a long time was to give it a major facelift. Its theme and design had become obsolete and the web was crying out for mimes. I have finally been able to dedicate the time and resources to solve it and we have released its new design, with which I think it has significantly improved its appearance and usability.
The new design is more visual than before and allows you to enjoy the content in a clearer and more direct way. In addition, it has the option to view the magazine in both Light mode and Dark mode. Articles and news are better read and have more options to be shared, as well as to vote on them and comment on them.
I encourage you to take a look at the new visual aspect of GoMultiplayer and follow its publications if you like the world of massively multiplayer online video games.